Flemington Area Food Pantry - EMPTY BOWL - Friday, October 25th https://flemingtonfoodpantry.org/empty-bowl
Sunday Worship 10:30am

Stewardship Program

2025 Stewardship Program - Living Waters is a generous people and has a strong history of faithful generosity. This generosity has and will continue to be a blessing in our individual faith journeys and in our life together as God’s people. Of course, it is ultimately God’s faithfulness and grace that will sustain the work that we are doing for God’s kingdom. We each give as we are able. Good stewardship isn’t about a dollar amount. It is an orientation of generosity out of abundance, not scarcity. It is believing in God’s promise that there is enough for all. The amount of our gifts is proportional to what we have to share. 

To give to Living Waters, please use our ONLINE GIVING page. Once there, you can give to different ministry areas. We use Vanco to process our online donations. Download the Vanco app to your mobile device (Apple or Android) to make it easy to set up one-time donations, or recurring electronic giving.

Good stewardship is about how we use all that God has entrusted to our care to love God and our neighbors, both inside and outside of the church walls and our homes. That means stewardship looks as diverse and unique as all of us. If you are not sure what counts as stewardship in your life, ask a few simple questions:

*  What gifts and talents do I use, even in small ways, to bless others?

*  How does the way I spend my time offer benefits to my community or other people?

*  Where and when do I experience financial generosity as a life-giving experience in my life?

Taking the time to celebrate stewardship gives us the opportunity to stop and recognize all the ways that we give, and how our giving blesses us, our church, and our broader communities. It also gives us the chance to consider how growing our stewardship can grow our impact and the transformation we experience when we live generously.

Intention to Give


Congregation members are encouraged to complete our "Time and Talent" form(s) to share these gifts with the congregation and the community at large." Click on the links below to download, print out and complete.  Print an individual form for each person in your household. Youth are considered to be persons under 18 years of age.


Archived Temple Talks available here

© Living Waters Lutheran Church 2024
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