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Sunday Worship 10:30am

Previous Pastors of recent history

Rev. Scott C. Schantzenbach

 Interim Pastor, Monday, March 16, 2020 - January 31, 2021
Rev. Scott C. Schantzenbach served as Assistant to the Bishop for Stewardship, Generosity, and Excellence in Ministry from 2003 until retirement in 2019. He has written articles for the "Lutheran" magazine and served as a guest lecturer at the Lutheran Theological Seminaries in Philadelphia and Gettysburg, Virginia Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary and at ELCA Mission Developer Training venues.

Pastor Schantzenbach served as interim pastor among transitional congregations during his time on the staff of the Bishop and described his three-fold interim role as, "renewing hope, strengthening congregations, and exploring ministry pathways in a rapidly changing world."

Prior to assuming his responsibilities on the staff of the Bishop, he served as a parish pastor for 25 years, among congregations in Philadelphia, PA, and in Jersey City and Washington, NJ. Pastor Schantzenbach was ordained in 1978. Scott earned a BS in Chemistry from Moravian College and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He completed the Foundations Courses at Indiana University School of Philanthropy, the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising, and studied with the Interim Ministry Network. 

Scott lives in Oxford, NJ with his wife, Jody, of 45 years. They have three adult children. 

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Sunday, March 15 - Godspeed from Bishop Tracie Bartholomew 

February 10, 2020 - Congregational Council Receives and Regretfully Accepts the Resignation of Pastor Lee Zandstra

Letter from Council President, Craig Weinrich

To the congregation of Living Waters Lutheran Church:

Council met with Pastor Lee last night to learn that she has accepted a call to Christ Lutheran Church in Waterford, Michigan. It is with mixed emotions of gratitude, sadness, and unlimited love that we, as Council, received and accepted Pastor Lee's resignation from Living Waters. Her last Sunday with us will be Sunday, March 15, 2020.
As Pastor Lee has mentioned often, the church is more than just the Pastor, and we know that the Good News will continue in and through the congregation members - past, present, and future. Council and a separate "Call Committee" will be working with Bishop Tracie Bartholomew to find a new pastor. The Bishop will meet with Council on March 3 to start the process of the search. Council will keep you informed as things unfold.
This Thursday evening at 7:00, Pastor Lee and Pastor Bruce will host a "town hall" for anyone who wants to pray and process. We'll have a short prayer service around 8:00 pm. In addition, because Pastor Lee will be in Washington DC presenting at the Human Rights Campaign conference, Pastor Bruce will lead Adult Forum (starting at 9:15!) to lead us through the call process and answer any questions you might have.
This is a letter I had hoped not to have to write, but God works in mysterious ways, and I am confident that we as a congregation will continue to be audaciously welcoming to all whose lives we affect.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Also be advised that Pastor Lee is unavailable for phone calls and texts on Wednesday due to a minor medical procedure for Dori.
With God's love and peace,
Craig Weinrich
Council President
Letter of Resignation from Rev. Lee Ann Zandstra

February 11, 2020

"For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastics 3:1

Dear Sibling in Christ at Living Waters,

It is with deep gratitude, sadness, and love that I share with you what I shared with Church Council last night, that I have accepted a call as the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Waterford, Michigan. I will begin with them on April 1, 2020.

As many of you know, I am an only child of my parents in Indiana. In recent years, their health has struggled, and with each passing year it has become harder and harder to be so far away from them. I am not taking this new call because of anything to do with Living Waters. I am taking this call to be closer to my parents.

As I will be away this Sunday for a schedule conference that I am presenting at, I am hosting a Town Hall Meeting this Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. for anyone who wants to come out and talk about any part of this transition. We will close with a short evening prayer service at 8:00 p.m.

When I met with Bishop Bartholomew, she asked me to assure you that the New Jersey Synod will be here for you, supporting and working with you all. She will be attending the regularly scheduled March 3rd council meeting to explain next steps in this time of transition.

I ask for your prayers for Dori, Ginger and I as we navigate this new chapter and move in our lives.

My last Sunday will be March 15th, 2020. Following that service, I will use my accumulated vacation time through Tuesday, March 31st.

My hope and prayer is that God will continue to bless your ministry and bless each of you with a future full of hope. It has been the honor of my life to have served as your pastor, and I will miss you all more than I can say.

God's peace

Pastor Lee


"Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith

 Know you are most welcome here

to receive the richness of God's love given for you "


October 2010 - Lee Ann Zandstra Named Pastor At Living Waters Lutheran Church

The Reverend Lee Ann Zandstra accepted the call to serve as pastor of Living Waters Lutheran Church in Ringoes, NJ, back in October 1, 2010.  Pastor Lee, as she prefers to be called, holds both a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Sacred Theology/Church History degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Prior to accepting this call, she served as Director of Community Partnering and Lutheran Disaster Response at Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey in Burlington, NJ, and was previously vicar of St. John Lutheran Church in Sinking Spring, PA. 

Ordained into ministry on September 19, 2010, (pictured with E. Roy Riley, former Bishop of the NJ Synod) Pastor Lee is excited that Living Waters is the first congregation she'll be leading. "Living Waters is an active congregation with a passion for the community and around justice issues," she says. "I am blessed to become part of a community that strives to show God's love in Ringoes and beyond through worship, education, special events and community outreach." 

A Service of Installation for Pastor Lee took place on Sunday, October 17, 2010 at Living Waters Lutheran Church, located at 11 Old York Rd. in Ringoes, just off of Rte. 202.  All members of the community were invited to attend.


About Living Waters Lutheran Church

Living Waters Lutheran Church (LWLC) is a member congregation of the N.J. Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Rev. Lee Ann Zandstra now serves as pastor. LWLC's mission statement is: "God's purpose for Living Waters is for us to be a renewed and renewing Christian community reflecting God's love, grace, mercy, justice and peace in all the world."

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